I wanted a bracelet…
Who we are? I’m Franco Bandelli, a small scale entrepreneur operating in a sector which is completely different to the world of fashion and costume jewelry.
The reason I started this business adventure is quite curious and I’ll tell you why. I recently bought 5 bracelets from a famous Italian brand. The price was about 90 euros each, and because the low quality bracelet fastenings, I lost all of them. My disappointment prompted me to create my ideal bracelet that would be attractive, high quality and with a reasonable price that would allow me to change it, lose it , give it away or for it be stolen without causing me any major problem.
The first bracelet I created was noticed and appreciated by friends and family, who then asked me for different versions and colours. As you can imagine, that urged me to create a wide range of coloured bracelets to sell around the world. You could ask me why I should invest my money and time in such an uncertain initiative?
The answer is very simple. Business people are usually affected by a severe form of incurable pathology. Such people are contained with extreme optimism and self-esteem combined with an ego that feeds off itself and vice-versa. Real entreprenuers are risk takers who defy the odds, smack their bad luck, bend it to their will and make it become a great success. They are people who are passionate about a market battle rather than the actual results and profit.
A lot of friends ask me where these bracelets come from, thinking that I bought them somewhere. I can’t conceal my pride when I name the creator and the origins of the product. The raw materials are acquired in Italy, processed and worked in Italy and what’s more the taxes are always paid here. At the moment in which I’m writing, I don’t think that my country deserves such attention and compliments from its citizens. The Italian Government today suffocates the national economy, demanding unjustified taxes from small scale entreprenuers, to then waste precious resources on unfair public spendings, while financing struggling big businesses which then flee abroad, leading to internal unemployment. The result? A smaller percentage of the employed results in major social unrest, less tax revenue and less consumer power that therefore obstructs the country’s economic growth that has been already low for many years. This results is complete economic disaster.
I will terminate my deviations now, because I realise that I may have exaggerated. Let’s go back to bracelets. As I said the product is an entirely noble Italian creation and not a hybrid of the Asian market.
If appreciated, other ideas that I have in mind will see the light of day. I hope therefore, that you will like them, wear them and that they will be a success.
If this happens, it means that both you and I will be contributing in our small way to the resurrection of the economy, restoring optimism and better prospects for our country.
Kind regards,
Franco Bandelli.